Monday, April 27, 2009


If you've spent ANY time in the bay area, you will QUICKLY catch on to the overwhelming feeling of HATRED most have towards LA. I went to the Punchline comedy club last week with my boyfriend and a comedian who is originally from SF gave a little shpeal about this whole rivalry. He pointed out that while the majority of the bay area young people spend their time HATING LA, people in LA are generally too busy LIVING, WORKING, SUCCEEDING to have time to hate on the bay, or even realize that they're hated by the bay.

Sounds about right to me now that I think about it. Get over it.

So I've seen both sides of the spectrum at this point. And my final word: San Francisco's an amazing place. Beautiful. Full of life, full of art, full of culture, beautiful scenery, inspiring architecture, a great place to be a drunk, a great place to be sober, a great place to stay within it's confines and never leave or even possibly forget that there is life outside of the city limits. I would stay much longer if I could. I would stay forever if I could. A great place for fashion industry endeavors? Negative. Unfortunate, but true.

So the countdown begins,... I'm up and outta the city a week from today. I will miss a lot of people and a lot of things, but SF's not going anywhere. And I'll be back.

In the meantime, read my blog. It's not goin' anywhere.



Just goes to show that the most creative minds are generally the biggest FREAKS. Check out Marc Jacob's tattoo choices. Love him.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Ah, some children are just awkward as shit.

Rad jacket though. Gotta rock the Gucci, especially if you're missing a tooth..... Compensate for physical maladies with over the top sportswear. My new credo.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So I walked across the street on my lunch break to sneak into the taqueria and steal a plastic fork to aid in my plans of eating my delicious lunch of ramen noodles (livin the dream). I paused waiting for traffic to pass, when a young black boy on a bicycle rode up close to me and shouted "How much homey".

Mmmm. Well times are tough, son, how much ya got? My puppy needs some new wardrobing options. COME ON. I can be honest, I was wearing a denim skirt that was kinda on the hookerish side today, but it's been UNGODLY hot for SF lately. Agh. Rough. At least there's always the promise of young ignorant boys looking to pay for ass and put the pup through obedient training.


Monday, April 20, 2009

City of Sin.

Stoked. Only a little over a week and I get to be with all of my favorite people in the world at the same time in the same place. So grateful.

Friday, April 17, 2009


You're cordially invited to take a quick glimpse into my hard work over the last 7 months at my job in SF. Hold on tight.... major accomplishments. A general day of workin hard'/hardly workin'....

Bustin' out of here in two weeks. I will miss SF. I will miss a lot of people. It's been a fabulous experience. If I never told you or never get to, if I had any run ins at all I appreciate it. Thanks for the experience. I'm off to greener pastures with paychecks that clear.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Explosions in the Sky.

Right now is ROUGH AS FUCK. And I feel like I can't talk about it. There is so much going on in my head. I feel like all I do is complain and I feel awful about that.. but I can't help it. It's how I feel. Most of the time,.. at least in the last week. I have ZERO DOLLARS. I have about 9 parking tickets I owe money for. I make no money. I have bills and tons of shit to pay. Its just piling up and piling up. I go to a job everyday that takes up all of my day, that I completely hate and make peanuts at, if I get paid at all. I don't feel like I have a very comfortable place to retreat to. My life might completely change in less than two weeks but I don't know for sure yet. It's driving me fucking nutts. I feel completely unstable right now in my life, and that alone makes me feel like I'm bringing down everyone around me. I can't talk to people I love about it because it just makes it worse it seems. In turn I'm driving them away. I feel like i haven't accomplished anything at all since moving here to SF, which really isn't true, but it's all I can see right now. Since RIGHT NOW isn't the greatest time for me, I feel like everything is completely awful and always has been. I'm such an alcy. That is straight up alcy brain weirdness. I just wish that I could get a free pass for the week and not have this crazy thought stuff held against me forever.... because I'm pretty sure it's gettin' written in the books. I just want to be creative and productive and inspired and feel accomplished, which i am currently involved in none of those things and it makes me CRAZY.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Competition.

Much improvement has come in the recent weeks, of my mothering skills, of Pip McGee's pee and pooing outside skills,... Boyfriend bought Pippy a bitchin' gangster parka, and a skateboard ...

Got the parka part down. Big dog/small jacket. I'm planning to write a folk song on the topic. Skateboarding--- we're working on it. I think the goal is to make him WANT to skateboard... I mean, haven't you seen the classic case of mothers forcing their children to be ballerinas, gymnasts, football stars, only to get in return a Marilyn Manson worshiping, eyeliner wearing unruly and disgruntled delinquent? I've seen enough Maury Povich in my day to know better. On another note, my pup's become somewhat of a local celeb. It's inevitable, really. He's the cutest pup that's ever graced 24th street, I'm sure,... Until I spotted THIS character who seems to draw quite the crowd.

Barbados, the sheep on a leash that cruises my neighborhood. Really? Really. I guess I gotta get my ferret Boots all prepped and we're gonna have to start rockin' the ferret riding on the back of a tiny bulldog. I gotta take the cake in the weirdness factor of the neighborhood. It's my calling.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


After nearly 4 months of my bank account being on FROZEN status (Frozen aka inaccessible, "LOCKED UP", unusable, bad standing, etc.) as a result of my employers multiple faulty paychecks, my bank account is FINALLY BACK IN GOOD STANDING! It's a miracle.

Don't spend that whole ten bucks in one place. Mama needs a new pair of shoes.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I missed out on the being born part... I think that took place in some average hospital in scenic Visalia, CA,.... but to anyone who reads this, consider this a partial spin off section of my will. God forbid something happen to me, I'd like to be kept on life support for a bit o' time at this lovely institution, just for the photo opps if nothing else. Check it.

"The 30-bed Hau Sheng Hospital in Yuanlin in central Taiwan claims to be the only institution of its kind authorized by the popular cartoon cat's parent company Sanrio Co Ltd.
Newborns get everything Hello Kitty but a set of whiskers, including pink or blue receiving blankets, nurses dressed in pink uniforms with cat-themed aprons, cot linen and room decor."

Friday, April 3, 2009

I <3 Dead Babies.

The little miracles you stumble upon in the midst of your misfortune. I have had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do at work today so I've spent, eh, the last SEVEN hours surfing the net. RIDIC. But I did find this website that I'm kinda obsessed with now..... I want everything. I'm a total creep, it's offical.

If you are ever wondering what to get me for xmas, Kwanzaa, Washington's Birthday, now you know.

And just a side note, if you've got some time to kill, Google search dead baby dolls and see what comes up. Some people are soooo fuckin' disturbed. ROUGH! There's such a fine line. Handle shit.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Career Change?

Maybe I should consider.....

Facepainters, Princess, Clowns NEEDED Great Pay, Part-Time !!! (Bay Area+ Visit
Reply to: ]
Date: 2009-03-31, 12:11PM PDT

Our company is looking for experienced and non-experience face painters, clowns, entertainers, princesses to work (have fun)part-time on Saturdays OR Sundays and make big dollars.

We offer very flexible schedules and steady work ( lots of fun work) with entertainers averaging $70 to $80 per 1hr to 1.5 hour plus tips.
Reliable transportation and weekend (Saturday or Sunday) availability is a must.

This is a great opportunity to earn extra money, have fun, and create lasting memories. To learn more about us, please visit We are updating our website and will look more professional, and if you have any questions feel free to email us.

To apply send complete name, phone number,city where you live and photo,and any experience in above skills to
Attn: Fernand

Looking forward to hearing from you and best of luck.

Fernand Diaz

If I could have a guarantee that I was Hello Kitty, I might consider. I would tell no one where I was going or what I was doing when I had to work these "performances"... It could be legit. HA. WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING!? What is going ON in my life....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I'm ON TO YOU! I've been thoroughly disappointed in the work ethic of these emerging clothing companies that I have the pleasure of rejecting on a daily basis... Now I always try to have the new guys' back,... everyone's just trying to come up and shyit. But come on. This shit's just lazy. Observe.

Lazy as fuck.

"Eh, let's just Photoshop the artwork we're gonna do straight onto these pictures we found online."

....Anything look familiar here???

C'mon guys. Try. Please. I mean, let's aim for givin' 10% here. Jesus Christ.

Tenderloin vs. Tendernob

So San Francisco isn't a very big place. At all. For being such an epic "big city", that is. Yet there are sooo many different neighborhoods and different dynamics.... different demographic in every neighborhood... different scene,... different fashion,.. Shit, we did a whole fashion show in September just pointing out and playing up the fashion differences in FIVE of those districts.... Civic Center, Upper Market, Financial District, North Beach, Marina, SOMA, Lower Haight, Upper Haight, the Castro, The Mission, Nob Hill, Russian Hill, The Tenderloin, Hayes Valley, Western Addition, Outer Mission, Bayview, Hunters Point, Richmond, Sunset, Noe Valley, Twin Peaks, and on and on and on and on...

Anywho. The Tenderloin is the so-called worst neighborhood in the city.... nothin' but crackheads.... prostitutes... drug deals... crime... scum.... etc. I've never been too spooked by the 'Loin,... I spent some time there before moving to the city and have always had this odd infatuation with the homeless community and rough neighborhoods... So the TenderNOB is what people call the area that is the Tenderloin connecting to Nob Hill.... Not nearly as rough and much more tolerable, supposedly.

...My friend Kelle would beg to differ. Kelle lives in the Tendernob area... Has never really minded it, but recently told me a story that has pushed her a little closer to the edge of planning an exit in the future. Kelle was walking up the the street, maybe a block from her apartment. A horrendous smell hit her nostrils and she gasped in disgust. She walked quickly to try to get home and escape whatever the awful scent was, but first was stopped in her tracks by a blood curdling scream behind her. A woman behind her pointed in the road to...... A HEAD.

... a severed head. the middle of the road.

...wearing a motorcycle helmet.

...with guts and body goo coming out of it.


In other news, some interesting facts I stumbled upon in my daily internet cruising. Light reading for a nice little Wednesday. Hit it.

* Denim jeans were invented in San Francisco for the Gold Rush miners who needed tough, comfortable clothing

* Irish coffee was invented in San Francisco.

* Francis Ford Coppola famously wrote large portions of The Godfather Trilogy in Caffe Trieste, the first San Francisco coffee shop, established in 1956

* There are over three hundred coffee houses within the city boundaries of San Francisco

* Al Capone spent five years in prison in Alcatraz.

* The original Spanish name for San Francisco was Yerba Buena, meaning "good herb" or"good grass".

* Nicknames include "Baghdad by the Bay", coined by columnist Herb Caen, and "The City that Knows How".

* In Star Trek, Star Fleet HQ is located just north of San Francisco.

* "I Left My Heart In San Francisco" was written by a gay couple, Douglass Cross and his partner George Cory in 1954. Tony Bennett's recording in 1962 made the song famous.

* San Francisco is built on 43 hills.

*The crookedest street is not Lombard Street , Vermont Avenue between 22nd and 23rd is the "crookedest,".
Filbert between Hyde and Leavenworth is the steepest street at 31.5 degrees.

* The population of San Francisco at the end of 2004 was 744,230 people

* San Francisco has the highest number of homeless inhabitants per capita of any major city in the United States.

*.Washington Square Park at Columbus & Union is not actually a square because it has five sides. But then North Beach isn't a
beach and the statue in the middle of the park is Ben Franklin not George Washington.

* Behind New York, Moscow and London, San Francisco is 4th in the world in terms of numbers of billionaires living within its city limits, while having less than 10% the population of the the other three cities.

* Soon after the Golden Gate Park opened in 1890, John McLaren, the park's designer added a free-range zoo that was home to elk, bears, goats, and buffalo. The buffalo are the only ones that remain.

*. On Mar. 21, 1963, Alcatraz federal prison island in San Francisco Bay was emptied of its last inmates at the order of Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.